Second Intercontinental Extraterritorial Congress
Second Intercontinental Extraterritorial Congress
«Psychotherapy without borders»
Children. Family. Society. Future.
2024 21-26



The Second Intercontinental Extraterritorial Congress for Psychotherapy 2024 attempts to give a broad coverage of the world psychotherapy. Publications form an important part of the Congress.

The Congress issue of the fundamental online scientific and practical edition Anthology of Russian Psychotherapy and Psychology — ANTHOLOGY OF WORLD PSYCHOTHERAPY— is being prepared for release in October 2024.

Publications are accepted in in the language chosen by the author with mandatory annotations in English and Russian.

Cost of publication:

  • Article — 750 rubles per 1 page (1800 characters with spaces).

Cost of publication for professionals who participate in absentia:

  • Article — 1000 rubles per 1 page.

Cost of publication for PPL members:

  • Full member: article — 375 rubles per 1 page.
  • Consultative member: article — 500 rubles per 1 page.
  • Observant member: article — 650 rubles per 1 page.
  • Cost of translation: 40 euros per page (1800 characters with spaces).
  • Minimal translation cost regardless of the number of characters: 20 euros.

Deadline for submission: 30th of September, 2024.

Please, send your texts to Anna Boulycheva, Publishing editor of the Anthology of Russian Psychotherapy and Psychology
, +7 (913) 911-69-36


Publications are accepted in the author's edition in the language chosen by the author.

Annotations in English and Russian are obligatory.

1. Requirements for the author when submitting an article:

Articles are submitted as a set of files:

1. One Word file containing the FULL TEXT of THE ARTICLE along with all tables and illustrations;

2. A set of PNG or JPEG image files, each of which must contain one illustration (figure) separately.

3. The title of the document MUST indicate the name of the event to which the article is submitted and the surname of the author.

2. The order of presentation of the FULL TEXT OF THE ARTICLE

1. The title page must contain the title of the article, as well as the surname, first name and patronymic of each author, indicating the e-mail address, scientific title and place of work;

2. Summary (abstract) of no more than 400 words and keywords (3 — 10 keywords);

3. The full text of the article;

4. List of References;

5. Annotation in English, which should contain the title of the article, as well as the surname and first name of each author, indicating the e-mail address, scientific title and place of work;

6. Annotation in Russian, which should contain the title of the article, as well as the surname and first name of each author, indicating the e-mail address, scientific title and place of work;

7. If necessary: permission to reproduce previously published material and to use illustrations to identify the people depicted on them (see paragraph 4).

3. List of references

The list of references includes only reliable publications available through conventional bibliographic sources. All bibliographic sources are given in a numbered list in which they are listed alphabetically. Each link must be verified by the author with the original documents. There should be no links to presentation posters, unpublished reports, upcoming papers, unpublished manuscripts or personal communication.

4. Additional remarks

4.1. Original or re-publication?

Readers of periodicals should be sure that they are offered an original (previously unpublished) article. The exception is those cases where there is the consent of both the author and both publishers (editors of both publications). Permission for such re-publication should be free of charge. The priority of the initial publication is guaranteed by the fact that the re-publication is carried out in at least 1 week (except in cases specifically stipulated by both publishers).

4.2. Protection of the patient's privacy rights

The patient has the right to maintain confidentiality, which should not be violated without his consent. It is prohibited to publish any information that allows the identification of the patient (written descriptions, photographs, family history), except in cases where it is of great scientific value and the patient (his parents or guardians) has given written consent to this. It is forbidden to distort or falsify data in order to achieve anonymity. If there is the slightest doubt, it is necessary to inform the patient and get his/her consent to publish the available materials. Do not use surnames, initials of patients and numbers of medical records, especially in drawings or photographs.

4.3. Statistics

Describe statistical methods in such detail that a competent reader with access to the source data can verify the results you have obtained. Whenever possible, quantify the data obtained and present them with appropriate indicators of measurement errors and uncertainty (such as confidence intervals).

4.4. Tables

Provide each table on a separate page. All tables should be titled and numbered in the order of the first mention in the text. All explanations should be placed in the notes (footnotes), and not in the title of the table/figure.

4.5. Illustrations

Illustrations should be in the main file of the article, as well as in separate files. All photographs, graphs, and diagrams in the article should be indicated as Figure and should be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals, for example (Fig. 3). The text of the caption to the illustrations should be located immediately under the illustration. The captions should contain an explanation of the symbols used. The dimensions of figures and tables should be no more than one A4 (210) page. The pages must be sent in digitized form with the following parameters: resolution 300 dpi; in TIFF or JPEG formats. In addition, the illustration files should be wrapped in the text of the article, and in exactly the place that the authors consider the best.

4.6. Units of measurement

Measurements of length, height, width and volume should be presented in metric units (meter, kilogram, liter) or in their decimal fractions. The temperature should be given in degrees Celsius, and blood pressure in millimeters of mercury. All hematological and biochemical parameters should be presented in units of the metric system (International System of Units — SI).

4.7. Abbreviations and symbols

Use only standard abbreviations. Do not use abbreviations in the title of the article and in the summary. The full term, in place of which an abbreviation is introduced, must precede the first application of this abbreviation in the text (unless it is a standard unit of measurement).

4.8. Medical products

When describing medicines, the active substance, the commercial and generic name, and the manufacturer should be indicated. Descriptions of post-registration clinical trials of medicines must necessarily include information on registration and authorization for the use of these drugs by official licensing authorities (registration number, registration date).