Second Intercontinental Extraterritorial Congress
Second Intercontinental Extraterritorial Congress
«Psychotherapy without borders»
Children. Family. Society. Future.
2024 21-26

Congress events formats


Intermodal events (general thematic fields of the Congress)

A keynote report is given by invited speakers, members of the Scientific Committee, chairmen of congress events, significant leaders in methods of psychotherapy and psychological counseling. Keynote reports are mostly given on the general topics of the congress and are to address this topics within psychotherapeutic approaches/modalities of presenters.

Duration: 30 minutes.

A congress lecture is a lecture for all participants of the Congress, regardless of modality. The topic of the lecture should be relevant to psychotherapy in general.

Duration: 1 hour.

A round table is a forum where experts can share their thoughts on a specific predetermined topic. A round table is intended to provide all participants with the opportunity to present their views on the issues under discussion. Roundtable participants not only present their ideas, but are also given the opportunity to give their feedback in regard to their fellow colleagues' presentations, exchange comments and clarify their positions. During a round table, people have the opportunity to look at the subject of discussion from different angles. This format provides an opportunity to see, hear and even feel what other participants think on a given topic. Round tables are led and facilitated by moderators.

Round tables can be held both on the general issues of the congress, and within the framework of intramodal events, and be of a highly specialized nature.

Duration: 1-2 hours.

Intramodal events (focus on psychotherapeutic modalities and or important challenges and issues in psychotherapy)

Presentations at intramodal events are up to 15 minutes long and may, at the speaker's discretion, be accompanied by a Powerpoint / PDF presentation.

A conference serves as a structural part of the Congress, bringing together psychotherapists who share same modality or areas of professional interest. A conference may include (or be divided on) smaller-scale events, such as panel sections, seminars, round tables, debates dedicated to various aspects of the discussed modality or psychotherapeutic field.

A seminar majorly appears for a demonstration of practice and contains discussions on new developments in specific areas/problems of psychotherapy. A seminar implies active participation in discussions on the given topic and thus requires both speakers and participants to prepare themselves to speak up.

A panel section stands in as a place to verbally present the results of scientific work on the given topic or method of psychotherapy. Panel sessions do not include public discussions of the themes under consideration. After the presentations, interested parties may discuss topics of interest with the speakers privately.

Conference workshops (master classes, training seminars, groups) present a practical demonstration of new achievements in a certain modality of psychotherapy. A workshop can be given in the form of a small therapeutic group. The workshop can also be a supervision group; prove attendees with new skills or be of a more theoretical nature.