Second Intercontinental Extraterritorial Congress
Second Intercontinental Extraterritorial Congress
«Psychotherapy without borders»
Children. Family. Society. Future.
2024 21-26

Organizing committee

Victor Makarov. Congress President.

President of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League and the National Self-Regulatory Organization «Union of Psychotherapists and Psychologists», Vice-President of the World Council on Psychotherapy, Head of the Department of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Moscow, Russia.

Victor Tiutin

Consultant, advisor to the President of the Congress, member of the Presidential Council of the SRO National Association «Union of Psychotherapists and Psychologists». Moscow, Russia.

Inga Kalmykova

Executive Director of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, Director of the SRO National Association «Union of Psychotherapists and Psychologists», psychiatrist, psychotherapist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, holder of the European Certificate for Psychotherapy, Official trainer of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League at the international level. Moscow, Russia.

Inga Rumyantseva

Vice-President of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, Chairman of the Regional Branch of the PPL in St. Petersburg and the Northwestern Federal District. Chairman of the PPL supervision committee, certified PPL supervisor, holder of the European Certificate for Psychotherapy, member of the supervisory board of the National self-regulatory organization «Union of Psychotherapists and Psychologists», psychologist, organizer of international scientific congresses. Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Olga Prikhodchenko

Consulting psychologist, medical doctor, holder of the European Certificate for Psychotherapy, full member and member of the Central Council of the PPL, manager of the international level of the PPL, executive secretary of the Central Committee of the PPL, chairman of the disciplinary commission for the SRO «Union of Psychotherapists and Psychologists», international level trainer of the PPL, certified supervisor of the PPL, member PPL Supervision Committee. Novosibirsk, Russia.

Sofiya Kamalova

Scientific Secretary of the Central Council of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, foreign affairs officer and representative in international organizations, full member of the PPL, national representative for the Russian Federation in the European Association of Psychotherapy, EAP delegate in Russia. Social and clinical psychologist, multimodal and family psychotherapist, transactional analyst, holder of the European Certificate for Psychotherapy, deputy editor-in-chief for the Professional Psychotherapeutic Newspaper and the Anthology of Russian Psychotherapy and Psychology. Moscow, Russia.

Anna Danilova

Vice-President of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League. Vice-President of the SRO National Association «Union of Psychotherapists and Psychologists». Member of the Expert Council of the State Duma. Chairman of the Committee for Information Support and Development of the PPL and SRO National Association «Union of Psychotherapists and Psychologists».

Inna Sonina

Clinical psychologist, educational psychologist, art therapist, designer, business coach. Member of the Central Council and full member of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League. Full member of the Russian Psychological Society. Member of the Expert Activities Committee of the PPL “On forensic psychological examination in Russia.” Member of the Balashikha Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Moscow, Russia.

Semyon Yeselson

Existential therapist, member of the Board of the European Federation of Existential Therapy, head of the modality «existential therapy» of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, member of the Central Council of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, president of National Association of Existential Consultants and Therapists, director at the Council of the International Institute of Existential Therapy (MIEC)...

Anna Boulycheva

Psychologist, psychoanalyst, full member of the PPL, scientific secretary of the Novosibirsk regional branch of the PPL, publishing editor of the Anthology of Russian Psychotherapy and Psychology, publishing editor of the Professional Psychotherapeutic Newspaper. Novosibirsk, Russia.

Victoria Belyaeva

Chairman of the Committee on Training Personal Therapy of the PPL, Master of Counseling Psychology, clinical psychologist, accredited multimodal psychotherapist of the National Association “Union of Psychotherapists and Psychologists”, educational personal therapist-adviser of the PPL, national level trainer, accredited supervisor of the PPL, accredited Systemic family psychotherapist by the National Association «Union of Psychotherapists and Psychologists». Full member of the PPL. Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Galina Polovinka

Master of Clinical Psychology, postgraduate student in medical psychology, NLP Master at international level, business coach, President of the PPL Krasnodar branch, official trainer of the PPL at the interregional level, full member of the PPL, full member of the national expert board of the SRO National Association «Union of Psychotherapists and Psychologists», Member of the RPO, Member of the National Federation of Professional Coaches and Mentors, Member of the European Association of Wingwave Coaches. Krasnodar, Russia.

Irina Kondratyeva

Consulting psychologist in the modalities of cognitive therapy, art therapy, metaphorical cards, transactional analysis. Master of psychology, full member of the PPL. Moscow, Russia.

Valentina Vinokurova

Assistant to the Chairman of the Information Support and Development Committee of the SRO National Association «Union of Psychotherapists and Psychologists», editor of the Information Association «Era» website. Moscow, Russia.

Kliment Suleimanov

Technical assistance specialist of the PPL, specialist in the field of technical support for organizations and online courses, programs and meetings of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, National SRO Association «Union of Psychotherapists and Psychologists»...

Nataliya Perelshtein

Secretary of the Supervision Committee of the PPL Central Council. Saint-Petersburg, Russia.